Added support to retrieve the embedded/non-embedded fonts from a PDF file
Improved support for recovering streams with incorrect declared length
Text using Adobe Song Std Light font is not rendered on Windows platform - fixed
Table content is not tagged when the table is included in a composite cell and it is split across pages - fixed
Page cannot be extracted from PDF file - fixed
Page's CropBox and MediaBox cannot be updated after page's Graphics has been closed - fixed
Pattern is not available for extracted path visual objects that uses pattern brush or pen - fixed
Separation color names that contain spaces are not encoded correctly - fixed
Page content cannot be extracted from PDF file - fixed
XFINIUM.PDF 12.2.2 (2024/1/3)
Optimized file size for large PDF forms that have been filled and flattened with the library
Improved decoding performance for images with DeviceN colorspace with multiple channels
Improved layout for CJK text that uses fonts that are not embedded in the PDF file
Text is not redacted correctly in some situations - fixed
PdfResourceOptimizer.MergeFonts does not merge fonts with encoding dictionaries - fixed
Interlanced B/W PNG image is not decoded correctly - fixed
Damaged PDF file with xref stream cannot be repaired - fixed
Destination name associated with a flow content table is not preserved when the table is included in a composite cell and it is split across pages - fixed
Table header is not preserved when the table is included in a composite cell and it is split across pages - fixed
Separation color with Lab colorspace is not rendered correctly - fixed
Text using STSong font is not rendered on Windows platform - fixed
Some TrueType composite glyphs are not displayed correctly - fixed
XFINIUM.PDF 12.2.1 (2023/12/1)
Added overprint information to extracted visual objects
Updated name generation for TrueType font objects
Some B/W images cannot be decoded
Xfinium.Pdf.Render.NetStandard.dll cannot be used with UWP applications compiled with .NET Native - fixed
Encrypted PDF file with incorrect key size cannot be loaded - fixed
Flow text layout fails with infinite loop if text cannot fit the available space - fixed
Color information is not extracted correctly for path visual objects - fixed
Some pages cannot be extracted from PDF files - fixed
Flow content layout fails with infinite loop if header and footer are larger than page height - fixed
Flow content layout fails with infinite loop if flow content does not fit entirely or partially on the page - fixed
Image becomes black after a PdfConvertToGrayTransform is applied to PDF page - fixed
Page becomes invalid after extraction from source PDF file - fixed
XFINIUM.PDF 12.2.0 (2023/11/1)
注釈を FDF としてインポート/エクスポートする機能を追加。
注釈を XFDF としてインポート/エクスポートする機能を追加。
PdfDocument.ID プロパティの書き込みを可能とする機能を追加。
ネストされたフロー コンテンツ オブジェクトの宛先が作成されない問題を修正。
Type プロパティと ClippingStyle プロパティが 3D プロジェクションに正常に保存されない (名前ではなく文字列) 問題を修正。