Featured Products

AIZOTH Multi-Sigma
Cloud-based AI analysis platform available with minimal cost and no programming required.
Details: English / Japanese
Grammarly Grammarly Business
Communicate with confidence and make writing faster and more delightful with Grammarly.
Details: English / Japanese
Intel oneAPI
Unified programming model to simplify development across CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs and other accelerators.
Details: English / Japanese
Docker Business Docker Business
Docker Business brings container orchestration, management and security to the enterprise.
Details: English / Japanese
ActiveState ActiveState
The ActiveState Platform maximizes DevOps security without increasing development cycles.
Details: English / Japanese
Anaconda Anaconda Business
Python commercial package distribution for data science and machine learning.
Details: English / Japanese
Cross platform library for .NET and Xamarin PDF development.
Details: English / Japanese
PhotoModeler PhotoModeler
A cost-effective way for accurate 3D scanning, measurement, surveying and reality capture.
Details: English / Japanese
Kong Enterprise Kong Enterprise
Popular open source microservice API gateway to secure, manage and orchestrate microservice APIs.
Details: English / Japanese
/n software IP*Works! /n software IP*Works!
The most comprehensive suite of components for professional Internet development.
Details: English / Japanese
ViCue Soft VQ Analyzer
Professional video codec analyzing software to build industry compliant video products faster.
Details: English / Japanese
iSpring iSpring Suite
Award-winning e-Learning solutions to create, deliver and track HTML5 e-Learning courses.
Details: English / Japanese
LightningChart LightningChart
The fastest and most advanced data visualization components for WPF & Windows Forms
Details: English / Japanese
Kudan AR SDK Kudan AR SDK
High Speed Professional AR SDK for iOS and Android Mobile Applications.
Details: English / Japanese
SmartBear Software SmartBear
Award-winning tools for software testing, profiling, development and quality assurance.
Details: English / Japanese
Aspose Aspose
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Barcode component for .NET/Java.
Details: English / Japanese
Easy, powerful, cross-platform data compression & protection for all needs.
Details: English / Japanese
ActivePDF ActivePDF
Dynamic generation of PDF documents, conversion to PDF from almost any file format.
Details: Japanese
Jungo WinDriver
Easily Develop a PCI / USB Device Driver with Wizard.
Details: English / Japanese
Infragistics Infragistics
Ajax, Vista, Office2007, VS2008 ... Create high-quality UI with more than 50 chart control.
Details: English / Japanese
SpreadsheetGear SpreadsheetGear
Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheet component for the .NET/Silverlight Framework.
Details: English / Japanese
Altova XMLSpy Altova XMLSpy
Award-Winning XML, SQL, and UML Toolkit.
Details: English / Japanese
Source Insight Source Insight
Project-oriented program editor and code browser, with built-in analysis.
Details: English / Japanese
MadCap - Flare MadCap Flare
Most versatile Help authoring tool on the market, creates a cross-browser, cross-platform Help.
Details: English / Japanese
dtSearch dtSearch
Instantly search terabytes of files, emails, DB, web data. Full dev. & enterprise evals.
Details: English / Japanese
Microquill SmartHeap
SmartHeap is a fast, portable, reliable, ANSI-compliant malloc/operator new library.
Details: English / Japanese
WebWorks WebWorks ePublisher
Premiere solution for FrameMaker and Microsoft Word users who publish online contents.
Details: English / Japanese

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About XLsoft

XLsoft Corporation is a leading global software distributor and localization firm, specializing in providing innovative software development tools and IT administrative tools to the Japanese, APAC and U.S. market.

With over 30 years as an independent software distributor, XLsoft Corporation has partnered with leading software vendors to establish their markets in Japan, APAC and the U.S. such as Intel, Docker, SmartBear, Anaconda, PKWARE, Smartsheet, Aspose, Apryse, Infragistics, Accusoft, SpreadsheetGear, Flexera, Altova, Jungo, iSpring, Kong, PhotoModeler, LightningChart and more.

Software vendors can easily get benefits to establish the market in Japan, APAC and the U.S. by leveraging our software distribution channel network.

With around 30 years of experience, the right solutions are offered for Asian and European language translations, web and software localizations, as well as international product placement.

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Other Products

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GitHub GitHub Enterprise (Japanese)
Distributed version control system managing source code and change histories with enterprise-grade security.
Intel Tiber AI Cloud Intel Tiber AI Cloud (Japanese)
AI/HPC cloud platform equipped with the latest Intel hardware and software.
smartsheet Smartsheet (Japanese)
Dynamic work platform connecting tasks, team members, and IT across the entire organization.
InstallShield InstallShield (Japanese)
Industry-standard installer development tool trusted by developers worldwide for Windows software.
Linaro Forge Linaro Forge (Japanese)
HPC software development tools that build optimized code on Intel, Arm, and AMD architectures.
Nutrient Nutrient (Japanese)
Software development toolkit for embedding PDF functionality into a variety of platforms.
JFrog (Japanese)
An end-to-end DevOps platform to manage binary repositories.
Paessler PRTG Network Monitor (Japanese)
A producer of PRTG, the highly powerful network monitoring software.
COQsoft TreeGrid COQsoft TreeGrid (Japanese)
JavaScript component to display and edit your data in a table, grid, tree view, tree grid or gantt chart.
ej-technologies JProfiler JProfiler (Japanese)
Resolve Java performance bottlenecks, pin down memory leaks and understand threading issues.
Apryse Apryse (Japanese)
Bring accurate PDF viewing, annotating, editing, creation, and generation without server dependencies.
Axure RP Axure RP (Japanese)
A wireframing, rapid prototyping, documentation and specification software tool.
iText iText (Japanese)
Tools for PDF creation, manipulation and editing, automating your documentation process.
Redgate SQL Products Redgate SQL Products (Japanese)
Redgate offers tools for SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, .NET, Oracle, and MySQL.
Mirantis Kubernetes Engine Mirantis Kubernetes Engine (Japanese)
Mirantis Kubernetes Engine brings container orchestration, management and security to the enterprise.
CData Driver CData Driver (Japanese)
Drivers for Applications, Databases, and Web APIs.
PC-Doctor PC-Doctor Service Center (Japanese)
The Global Leader in PC & Android System Health Solutions.
Accusoft Accusoft (Japanese)
JPEG, JPEG2000, and barcode as .NET, ActiveX/COM components, VCLs and DLLs.
Flexera InstallAnywhere (Japanese)
Multiple Platforms Installation Tool for Windows/MacOS X/Linux/UNIX.
BCL Technologies easyPDF SDK (Japanese)
PDF software development toolkit, SDK, and SEC Filing Solutions.
Alchemy CATALYST Alchemy CATALYST (Japanese)
Visual localization environment that supports every aspect of the localization workflow.
チャート描画ツール RFFlow RFFlow 5.0 (Japanese)
Easy to use tool for drawing flowcharts, organization charts and Diagrams.
GroupDocs GroupDocs (Japanese)
.NET & Java libraries and on-demand cloud APIs
AddFlow AddFlow (Japanese)
powerful flowcharting/diagramming components
SocketTools SocketTools (Japanese)
TCP/IP Networking Component/Library for Windows.
SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor (NPM) SolarWinds (Japanese)
Network Tools, IT Management Software & Monitoring Tools