Your C# apps on
2.6 billion devices.

Write your app entirely in C# and share your code on iOS, Android, Windows and Mac.

Create beautiful, fast, native mobile apps.

We bring 100% of the native iOS and Android APIs to C#. Anything you can do in Objective-C or Java, you can do in C# with Xamarin.

xamarin studio

Finish your app faster.

With a library of pre-built components.

Add high-quality, pre-built components to your app directly from the IDE, including dozens of beautiful UI controls, web services, and more. Visit the Xamarin Component Store.

Amazing IDE.

Xamarin Studio is the best development
environment for cross-platform mobile apps.
Available on Windows and Mac.

xamarin studio

Visual Studio Industry Partner

Integrated with Microsoft.

Xamarin is the only platform that allows you to write native iOS and Android apps from Visual Studio. Leverage the entire Microsoft ecosystem, including TFS and plugins such as ReSharper.

Always up-to-date.

Xamarin stays up-to-date with the latest APIs from Apple and Google. We released same-day support for iOS 5, iOS 6, and iOS 6.1.

xamarin studio

We�fre here for you.

Our extensive documentation, world-class support, training classes and worldwide network of consulting partners will help your mobile strategy succeed from start to finish.

What�fs Included

Xamarin provides all the tools to build
native cross-platform apps in one package. Our installer downloads and configures Xamarin Studio, Visual Studio support, Android and iOS SDKs, and the .NET runtime.