
Contact Us

Contact us if you have any questions regarding Anaconda.

How to contact us:

  1. Inquiry form will be displayed when you click the [Contact Us] button below.
  2. Once the form is displayed, select [Anaconda] as a vendor under [Product/Service] section and fill out the rest of the form.

For the price quote please contact us with the following information.

  • Company Name:
  • Person in charge:
  • Email:
  • Company Size: (non-consolidated)
  • Company Size: (consolidated)
  • Number of Anaconda Users:
  • Do you have a need to host a mirror/copy/clone of on your servers or use Anaconda from the desktop only?
  • Do you distribute the app created with Anaconda to a third party?
  • Do you need the CVE (common vulnerabilities and exposures) data?
Contact Us