#import <ARNode.h>
Inherits NSObject, and <NSCopying>.
Inherited by ARBillboardNode, ARBoneNode, ARCamera, ARLight, ARMeshNode, ARMultiTrackableNode, ARPanoNode, and ARWorld.
An ARNode represents the base object in a scene-graph. It is responsible for the spatial layout of content, and is the node type from which all other nodes derive.
An ARNode is the most important object in any scene. It controls the position, orientation and scale of a node within the scene. Child nodes inherit the transformation of the parent. It also controls the visibility of itself and any of its children. ARNodes can have multiple child nodes but only a single parent. They inherit the transform of their parent, meaning that if you move the parent, all of its children move with it accordingly. ARNodes also receive various rendering related events and can completely encapsulate all properties of their children.
Almost every piece of content in a scene is fundamentally an ARNode. It is like an empty container that can have any type of content added to it. You do this by adding objects such as ARModelNodes to its world as children.
◆ TransformSpace
Different transformation spaces that the various transformation methods can act in.
Enumerator |
ARNodeTransformSpaceLocal | Transform is applied relative to the existing local transform. Translations take the local rotation into account. If, for example, an object rotated at 45 degrees were translated to move up in its own local space, it would move diagonally relative to the camera, following the trajectory of the rotation.
ARNodeTransformSpaceParent | Transform is applied relative to the parent's transform. Translations are unaffected by the local scale and rotation. If, for example, an object rotated at 45 degrees were translated to move up in its parent space, it would move upwards relative to the camera.
ARNodeTransformSpaceWorld | Transform is applied relative to the node's closest ARWorld grandparent. This is useful for moving around in world space. If, for example, an object and its child were both rotated 45 degrees, and they were translated both translated upwards in world space, both objects would move upwards relative to the camera.
◆ addChild:
- (void) addChild: |
(ARNode *) |
child |
Adds a node to the world of this node as a child.
Example of use:
[parentNode addChild:childNode];
- Parameters
child | The node to be added to this node's world. |
◆ addChildren:
- (void) addChildren: |
(NSArray *) |
children |
Add an array of nodes to the world of this node as children.
Example of use:
NSArray *childNodes = @[childNodeOne, childNodeTwo];
[parentNode addChildren:childNodes];
- Parameters
children | The array of nodes to be added to this node's world. |
◆ addTouchTarget:withAction:
- (void) addTouchTarget: |
(id) |
target |
withAction: |
(SEL) |
action |
| |
Add an action that is triggered whenever this node or one of its children is touched.
Example of use:
[node addTouchTarget:self withAction:@selector(wasTouched)];
- (void)wasTouched
- Parameters
target | The object to receive the event. |
action | The method to call on the object. |
◆ didReceiveTouch
Method called whenever this node or one of its children is touched. This shouldn't be altered, instead simply create a new selector to run your code when the event fires.
◆ findChildWithName:
- (ARNode *) findChildWithName: |
(NSString *) |
name |
Find a child of this node with the given name. This method returns the first node it finds in its array of children with that name. In order to guarantee all nodes can be found, ensure they all have unique names.
Example of use:
[parentNode findChildWithName:@"Child"];
- Parameters
name | The name of the node to search for. |
- Returns
- The first ARNode in the array with the given name, or nil if no Node with the given name is found.
◆ markWorldTransformAsDirty
- (void) markWorldTransformAsDirty |
Sets a flag for this node and all its children that their world transforms need to be updated.
◆ nodeFromViewPort:
- (ARVector3 *) nodeFromViewPort: |
(CGPoint) |
point |
Unproject a 2D position in the ARViewPort to this nodes coordinate space.
Example of use:
[self.cameraView.cameraViewPort.camera addChild:node];
[node translateByX:10 y:10 z:10];
UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
CGPoint touchPosition = [touch locationInView:touch.view];
ARVector3 *intersect = [node nodeFromViewPort:touchPosition];
- Parameters
point | The 2D position in the viewport. |
- Returns
- If the given point intersects with the Node, returns the 3D position where the point intersects this node. If the point does not intersect, returns nil.
◆ nodeWithName:
+ (instancetype) nodeWithName: |
(NSString *) |
name |
Class method that creates a node with the given name.
Example of use:
- Parameters
name | The name to give this node. Ideally, this will be unique, so that it will always be found correctly when using findChildWithName. |
◆ postRender
Method called just after this node has been rendered.
◆ preRender
Method called just before this node is rendered.
◆ remove
Remove this node from its parent node's world.
Example of use:
◆ removeAllChildren
- (void) removeAllChildren |
Remove all children from this node's world.
Example of use:
◆ removeChild:
- (void) removeChild: |
(ARNode *) |
child |
Remove a node from this node's world.
Example of use:
[parentNode removeChild:childNode];
- Parameters
child | The node to be removed from this node's world. |
◆ render
Method called when this node is being rendered.
◆ rotateByDegrees:axisX:y:z:
- (void) rotateByDegrees: |
(float) |
angle |
axisX: |
(float) |
x |
y: |
(float) |
y |
z: |
(float) |
z |
| |
Rotate this node by the given number of degrees around the constructed axis, relative to its parent node.
Example of use:
[node rotateByDegrees:90.0 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:1.0];
- Parameters
angle | The number of degrees around the axes to rotate. |
x | The x component of the axis. |
y | The y component of the axis. |
z | The z component of the axis. |
◆ rotateByQuaternion:
Multiply this node's orientation by a quaternion. For simple rotations, using rotateByDegrees is recommended instead.
Example of use:
[node rotateByQuaternion:[
ARQuaternion quaternionWithDegrees:90.0 axisX:1.0 y:0.0 z:0.0]];
- Parameters
rotation | The quaternion to rotate this node by. |
◆ rotateByRadians:axisX:y:z:
- (void) rotateByRadians: |
(float) |
angle |
axisX: |
(float) |
x |
y: |
(float) |
y |
z: |
(float) |
z |
| |
Rotate this node by the given number of radians around the constructed axis, relative to its parent node.
Example of use:
float piOver2 = M_PI_2;
[node rotateByRadians:piOver2 axisX:0.0 y:1.0 z:0.0];
- Parameters
angle | The number of radians around the axes to rotate. |
x | The x component of the axis. |
y | The y component of the axis. |
z | The z component of the axis. |
◆ scaleByUniform:
- (void) scaleByUniform: |
(float) |
scale |
Scales the node uniformly across each axis by multiplying each component by a single factor. This does not set the scale, but rather multiplies the existing scales by the given amount. Scaling occurs in the node's local space.
Example of use:
[node scaleByUniform:2.0];
- Parameters
scale | The amount to scale by. |
◆ scaleByVector:
Scale this node separately along each axis using values taken from a vector. Scale can be non-uniform. Scaling occurs in the node's local space.
Example of use:
[node scaleByVector:[
ARVector3 vectorWithValuesX:1 y:2 z:3]];
- Parameters
scale | A vector containing the x, y and z scale factors. |
◆ scaleByX:y:z:
- (void) scaleByX: |
(float) |
x |
y: |
(float) |
y |
z: |
(float) |
z |
| |
Scales the node separately along each axis. Scale can be non-uniform.
Example of use:
[node scaleByX:1.0 y:2.0 z:3.0];
- Parameters
x | The amount to scale in the x-axis. |
y | The amount to scale in the y-axis. |
z | The amount to scale in the z-axis. |
◆ translateByVector:
- (void) translateByVector: |
(ARVector3 *) |
translation |
Translate the position of this node by the given vector in local space.
Example of use:
[node translateByVector:translation];
- Parameters
translation | A vector containing the x, y and z units to translate by. |
◆ translateByVector:transformSpace:
Translate the position of this node by the given vector, relative to the given transform space.
Example of use:
- Parameters
translation | A vector containing the x, y and z units to translate by. |
transformSpace | the specified TransformSpace determines the coordinate system of the units. |
◆ translateByX:y:z:
- (void) translateByX: |
(float) |
x |
y: |
(float) |
y |
z: |
(float) |
z |
| |
Translate the position of this node by a number of units in each axis in local space.
Example of use:
[node translateByX:10.0 y:20.0 z:30.0];
- Parameters
x | units to translate along the x-axis. |
y | units to translate along the y-axis. |
z | units to translate along the z-axis. |
◆ translateByX:y:z:transformSpace:
- (void) translateByX: |
(float) |
x |
y: |
(float) |
y |
z: |
(float) |
z |
transformSpace: |
(TransformSpace) |
transformSpace |
| |
Translate the position of this node by a number of units in each axis, relative to the given transform space.
Example of use:
- Parameters
x | Units to translate along the x-axis. |
y | Units to translate along the y-axis. |
z | Units to translate along the z-axis. |
transformSpace | The specified TransformSpace determines the coordinate system of the units. Local space to translate the node relative to its own transform. Parent space to translate the node relative to its parent's transform. World space to translate the node relative to the nearest ARWorld's transform. |
◆ viewPortFromNodePosition:
- (CGPoint) viewPortFromNodePosition: |
(ARVector3 *) |
position |
Project a point in this node's coordinate space to its position in the ARViewPort this node is attached to.
Example of use:
CGPoint viewPortPosition = [node viewPortFromNodePosition:node.
- Parameters
position | The 3D position in this node's coordinate space to project. |
- Returns
- The 2D position in the ARViewPort.
◆ childCount
- (NSUInteger) childCount |
readnonatomicassign |
The number of direct children this node has. This is the number of elements in the children array. This will include any children of this node, but not any of the children's children.
◆ children
- (NSArray<ARNode *>*) children |
readnonatomicassign |
Array containing all child nodes of this node. This returns only nodes added to this node as children. Any nodes added to those nodes will not be listed here.
◆ descendants
Array containing all child nodes of this node. This returns all nodes added to this node's world, as well as any nodes added to their worlds, and so on, checking the entire graph. If this is the root node of the graph, this will simply return all nodes in the graph.
◆ fullOrientation
The full orientation of this node in eye space.
◆ fullPosition
The full position of this node in eye space.
◆ fullTransform
The full transformation of this node in eye space.
◆ localTransform
A transformation matrix containing the local position, scale and orientation of this node.
◆ name
The name of this node. The name should be unique so that the tracker can find it when using findChildWithName.
◆ orientation
A quaternion representing this node's orientation relative to its parent.
◆ parent
This node's parent node. If it's parent is a root node, this returns nil.
◆ position
A 3-dimensional vector representing this node's position relative to its parent.
◆ scale
A 3-dimensional vector representing this node's scale relative to its parent.
◆ visible
Whether or not this node and all its children should be drawn. If NO, this node and all of its child nodes will not render, even if the child's visibility is set to YES. Default is YES.
◆ world
The ARWorld this node descends from.
◆ worldOrientation
The orientation of this node in the space of the nearest ARWorld this node descends from.
◆ worldPosition
The position of this node in the space of the nearest ARWorld this node descends from.
◆ worldScale
The scale of this node in the space of the nearest ARWorld this node descends from.
◆ worldTransform
The transformation to the nearest ARWorld that this node descends from.
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