Download Perl
The best dependency management + virtual environment solution for Perl
What Sets ActiveState Perl Apart

Use just the Perl packages you need

View & fix vulnerabilities

Share & configure Perl with your team
Need Other Versions or MacOS Support?
ActivePerl includes a version of Perl and hundreds of popular packages, pre-compiled and ready to use.
- Windows: ActivePerl 5.28 for Windows
- Linux: ActivePerl 5.28 for Linux
- MacOS: ActivePerl 5.28 for macOS
Why Download Perl From ActiveState? refers to ActiveState as “the simplest way to install the latest version of Perl.” We have been programmers’ trusted provider of Windows, Linux, and macOS Perl distributions for more than 20 years. We offer the latest versions of a number of open source programming languages, including Perl, Python, and Tcl.
We specialize in stable, secure, and easy-to-deploy Perl environments. Our universal package manager, the State Tool, replaces CPAN and PPM and allows you to build runtimes with packages or Perl modules from source code, reducing your exposure to vulnerabilities.
With ActiveState, you can install Perl and the State Tool directly in the command line, or you can use a Windows installer for ActivePerl 5.28. We allow sign-up with GitHub and provide documentation on many Perl programming topics such as using Perl with html, Perl scripts, and more in our community forum.
Frequently Asked Questions
ActiveState’s Perl downloads are free, but there are some limits on use: you can use no more than five “active runtimes” for free . An active runtime is the number of instances of software from the ActiveState Platform that are run in a 24 hour period.
If you need more than five Active Runtimes, please see our Plans and Pricing page.
Recent versions of ActiveState Perl for Windows and Linux can be downloaded from the ActiveState Platform.
An older version of ActivePerl can also be downloaded for Mac, Windows and Linux.
Perl is a great general purpose scripting language which excels at text manipulation, and is typically used for system administration, network programming, GUI development and more.
ActiveState Perl has been used to develop both commercial and non-commercial applications, scripts, APIs and other code for individual developers and organizations in a wide range of industries. Learn more about ActiveState Perl.
32-bit and older/legacy versions of ActivePerl are available only with a subscription to our Team or Enterprise tiers. See our Plans & Pricing for more information.