activePDF Toolkit 2011 API Reference
Technical Reference > Explorer Object > Methods > Val_IsDict

Glossary Item Box

Description: Determines whether the attributes value does or does not represent a Dictionary object.
Syntax: retValue = object.Val_IsDict (AttrVariant)
Arguments: Argument Value Type Description & Settings
object N/A Set to an instance of the Explorer object.
AttrVariant Integer An encoded value representing the input object's attributes as returned by the Dict_GetAttrVal, Dict_GetValue, Obj_AttrVal, Val_GetFirstElem, or Val_GetNextElem method.
retValue: Value Type Description & Settings
Integer A value used to determine whether the AttrVariant does or does not represent a Dictionary value. Available returns are:

0 = The AttrVariant does not represent a Dictionary object or is invalid.
1 = The AttrVariant represents a Dictionary object. The AttrVariant is suitable for passing to the Dict_GetName or Dict_GetValue method.
Remarks: This method is most effective when used in cycle with the Val_IsArray, Val_IsNum, Val_IsRef, and Val_IsString methods.