activePDF Toolkit 2011 API Reference
Technical Reference > Explorer Object > Methods > Dict_GetName

Glossary Item Box

Description: Returns the name of an object attributes value known to represent a Dictionary object.
Syntax: "retValue" = object.Dict_GetName (DictObject, iCount)
Arguments: Argument Value Type Description & Settings
object N/A Set to an instance of the Explorer object.
DictObject Integer An encoded value representing a Dictionary object as returned by the Dict_GetDict method.
iCount Integer A value related to the level of the object in the hierarchy. Set this to (zero) during the first generation of the object cycle, and 1 (one) the iCount for subsequent generations.
retValue: Value Type Description & Settings
String The name of the Dictionary object corresponding to the DictObject, which is also suitable for passing as the Dict_GetAttrVal method DictName. The method returns an empty string ("") if the DictObject is invalid or the iCount is incorrect.