activePDF Toolkit 2011 API Reference
Technical Reference > Explorer Object > Methods > GetPageNbrForObject

Glossary Item Box

Description: Returns the page number of the input PDF containing the object corresponding to the object ID.
Syntax: retValue = object.GetPageNbrForObjects (ObjectIDNumber)
Arguments: Argument Value Type Description & Settings
object N/A Set to an instance of the Explorer object.
ObjectIDNumber Integer A valid object ID as returned by the GetRootObject, CountObjects, or Val_GetNumVal method.
retValue: Value Type Description & Settings
Integer The page number of the input PDF containing the object corresponding to the object ID. Available returns are:

‑1 = The object exists on or around all pages or the Body.Bold>ObjectIDNumber is invalid.
>0 = The object exists on the page equal to one less than the value. For example, page 1 is 0.