activePDF Toolkit 2011 API Reference
Technical Reference > Explorer Object > Methods > Val_GetNumVal

Glossary Item Box

Description: Returns the reference number for an object attributes value known to represent an object Reference.
Syntax: retValue = object.Val_GetNumVal (AttrVariant)
Arguments: Argument Value Type Description & Settings
object N/A Set to an instance of the Explorer object.
AttrVariant Integer An encoded value representing the input object's attributes as returned by the Dict_GetAttrVal, Dict_GetValue, Obj_AttrVal, Val_GetFirstElem, or Val_GetNextElem method known to be an object Reference as verified by the Val_IsRef method.
retValue: Value Type Description & Settings
Integer The object reference ID indicating the object referenced by the object corresponding to the AttrVariant. The value is suitable for passing as ObjectIDNumber for the GetObject or GetPageNbrForObject method. The method returns a 0 zero if the AttrVariant is invalid.