activePDF Toolkit 2011 API Reference
Technical Reference > Barcode Object > Barcode Properties > CommentMarginTop

Glossary Item Box


DEPRECATED. Use PrintText instead.

Sets the width for the top comment margin.

Syntax: object.CommentMarginTop = value
Arguments: Argument Value Type Description & Settings
object N/A Set to an instance of the object.
Value Long A positive number. The unit of measurement determined by the Measurement property.
Remarks: The comment margins are calculated different depending on the alignment and current design mode. In BDM, Toolkit measures the horizontal margins from the edge of the comment to the edge of the generated barcode.

In LDM, Toolkit measures the horizontal margins from the edge of the comment to the label boundary. Vertical comment margins are not affected.

For additional details, refer to the CommentAlignment, CommentMarginBottom, CommentMarginLeft, CommentMarginRight properties.