activePDF Toolkit 2011 API Reference
Technical Reference > Barcode Object > Barcode Properties > Measurement

Glossary Item Box

Description: Sets the unit of measurement for properties that require units of length.
Syntax: object.Measurement = value
Arguments: Argument Value Type Description & Settings
object N/A Set to an instance of the object.
Value Long 0 = Length is measured in mils (1/1000 inch).

1 =Length is measured in 1/1000th cm.
Remarks: Most symbologies use English measurement units - based on mils (1/1000th inch). However, some symbologies use metric measurements or (1/1000th centimeter).

NOTE: It is recommended that you use the measurement unit specified by the standard to avoid float number calculation. You can refer to Symbologies for a description of each barcode symbology.