This year, XLsoft Corporation is celebrating 30 years of successful business. We deeply appreciate all of the support and guidance from our customers and partners. We could not have reached this point without you.
Under our previous name, XLsoft International was founded on August 1987 in Orange County, California. In the late 1980s, the standard PC operating system changed from CP/M to DOS, and later from DOS to Windows. While many old software products disappeared, many more new products were born. After Windows 3.0 released, the global demand for excellent development tools for Windows grew. At which point, we first translated the flowchart creation tool “RFFlow” into Japanese and began marketing and sales in Japan for the first time. Subsequently, we founded XLsoft Corporation (KK) to strengthen sales in Japan. Since then, we have responded by providing the Japanese developer community with the latest trending global news, excellent development tools, and new development fields by providing products by: Intel, PKWARE, Jungo, ActivePDF, SmartBear, Xamarin, etc. We recently added focus on enhancing mobile development products into our productline.
Taking this opportunity, we are going back to our corporate philosophy, “provide excellent software to all developers,” and aim to continually meet everyone’s expectations. We would be sincerely grateful for your continued patronage and support.

XLsoft Corporation CEO
Mitsutoshi Watanabe