activePDF Toolkit 2011 API Reference
Technical Reference > Barcode Object > Barcode Properties > TextAlignment

Glossary Item Box

Description: If your barcode contains human readable text, you can specify the alignment for that text in relation to the barcode.
Syntax: object.TextAlignment = value
Arguments: Argument Value Type Description & Settings
object N/A Set to an instance of the object.
Value Long 0 = Left alignment (default). Align the text with left edge of the comment box.

1 = Right alignment. Align the text with the right edge of the comment box.

2 = Center alignment. Align the text with the center of the comment box.

3 = Justify alignment. Align the text to both edges of the comment box.
Remarks: Not all barcode scanners may support changing the alignment of the human readable text. For additional information, you can refer to Symbologies for a description of each barcode symbology.