activePDF Toolkit 2011 API Reference
Technical Reference > Barcode Object > Barcode Properties > PDFTruncatedSymbol

Glossary Item Box

Description: Instructs Toolkit to truncate the PDF417 barcode during generation.
Syntax: object.PDFTruncatedSymbol = value
Arguments: Argument Value Type Description & Settings
object N/A Set to an instance of the object.
Value Variant_Bool True = produces a truncated version of all PDF417 barcodes.

False = Does not product a truncated version. (Default)
Remarks: A truncated PDF417 symbol reduces the size of the PDF417 symbol by using a single termination bar for the stop pattern. The resultant barcode can encode the same information as a non-truncated PDF417, but is more susceptible to scanner errors caused by printing. You can refer to Symbologies for a description of each barcode symbology.