activePDF Toolkit 2011 API Reference
HIBC PAS Data Matrix

Glossary Item Box


HIBC PAS Data Matrix is based on DataMatrix and uses a special check digit (Modulo 43). 


The Single Data Structure Format is +/F*G*DDDDDC1:
• +—HIBC Provider Applications Standard Flag
• F*—Where Flag (length: 1 or 3)
• G*—What Flag (length: 1 or 3)
• D—Application Data
• C1—Check Digit (Modulo 43) - equal to the Link Character of the second part.

The First Part of the Split data Structure Format is +/1F*G*DDDDC. It is similar to the Single Format but with 1 as prefix and one less position for the application data (D). ("1" indicates the first data structure.)

The Second Part of the Split Data Structure Format is +/2DDDDC1C2:
• +/—HIBC Provider Applications Standard Flag
• 2—"2" indicates that this is the second data structure
• D—Remainder of the Application Data
• C1—Link Character (check digit of first part)
• C2—Check Digit (Modulo 43)

The combined format is +/F*G1*D1D1D1/G2*D2D2D2C:
• +/—HIBC Provider Applications Standard Flag
• F*—Where Flag (length: 1 or 3)
• G1*—What Flag for D1(length: 1 or 3)
• D1—First Application Data
• G2*—What Flag for D2(length: 1 or 3)
• D2—Second Application Data
• C—Check Digit (Modulo 43)