activePDF Toolkit 2011 API Reference
Technical Reference > Barcode Object > Barcode Methods > Font

Glossary Item Box

Description: Set the font and font style for the human readable text.
Syntax: object.Font FontName, fontSize, tBold, tItalic, tUnderline, tStrikethru, tCharset
Arguments: Argument Value Type Description & Settings
object N/A Set to an instance of the object.
FontName String Name of the font installed on the local system. The font must be installed.
fontSize Short The size of the font.
tBold Variant_Bool True = font is bold.

False = font is not bold. (Default)
tItalic Variant_Bool True = font is italic.

False = font is not italic. (Default)
tUnderline Variant_Bool True = font is underlined.

False = font is not underlined. (Default)
tStrikethru Variant_Bool True = The font will be struck through.

False = The font will not be struck through.(Default)
tCharset Short Default = 0
Remarks: By default, Toolkit generates the human readable text in accordance with the barcode standards. If you are using the barcode for commercial purposes, we recommend that you do not change the font.