'ClipText Example
Set TK = CreateObject("APToolkit.Object")
r = TK.OpenOutputFile("ClipText.pdf")
'Make a large text string for the example.
For i = 1 to500
strText = strText & "This is multiline text that is printed on the page. "
strText = strText & vbcr
'Print as much text as possible on the first page
TK.PrintMultilineText "Helvetica", 12, 30, 732, 552, 702, strText, 3, 0
'Check to see if all the text was printed
'If not loop adding a new page with remaining text until all text is printed
Do Until TK.ClipText = "" TK.NewPage
TK.PrintMultilineText "Helvetica", 12, 30, 762, 552, 732, TK.ClipText, 0, 0