KudanAR - Unity  1.6.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CKudan.AR.KudanTrackerEditorScript that creates a custom inspector entry for the Kudan Tracker
 CKudan.AR.MarkerTransformDriverEditorClass that creates a custom inspector entry for the MarkerTransformDriver script
 CKudan.AR.TrackableDataEditorClass that creates a custom inspector entry for TrackableData assets
 CKudan.AR.TrackingMethodMarkerEditorClass that creates a custom inspector entry for TrackingMethodMarker
 CKudan.AR.ITrackerThe tracker class that TrackerBase inherits from
 CKudan.AR.TrackerBaseBase class for the tracker plugin. This abstracts the native plugin for each operating system
 CKudan.AR.MarkerEvents.markerStructmarkerStruct contains a reference to a marker object, as well as a name and bools to check whether it is active this frame or was active last frame
 CActivatedScriptUsed in the touch sample. Tapping the screen in that sample activates this script
 CFlyBehaviour_RigidbodyVelocityOne method of movement used in the flying sample. This method applies velocities to rigidbodies
 CFlyBehaviour_TargetTransformMethod of movement used in the flying sample. This method changes an object's transform to move it towards a target point in 3D space
 CKudan.AR.MarkerEventsClass that tracks when a marker has been found, lost or tracked
 CKudan.AR.MarkerlessTouchClass that takes touch input and uses it to start tracking and rotate objects, removing the need for UI buttons when using Markerless Tracking. It is different from the TouchControl class because Touch Control contains pinch control handling, rotation along multiple axes and does not start tracking on tap input
 CKudan.AR.Samples.SampleAppScript used in the Kudan Samples. Provides functions that switch between different tracking methods and start abitrary tracking
 CKudan.AR.Samples.SampleScriptingThis example shows you how to script the Kudan AR plugin
 CKudan.AR.TargetNodeDisplays an object when using the Markerless Tracking Method, that acts as a preview showing where the object will be placed
 CKudan.AR.TrackingMethodBaseThe base tracking method that other tracking methods inherit from
 CKudan.AR.TrackingMethodMarkerThe Marker Tracking Method. This method tracks objects using markers for positional data
 CKudan.AR.TrackingMethodMarkerlessThe Markerless Tracking Method. This method tracks objects using arbitrary tracking
 CKudan.AR.TransformDriverBaseThe base transform driver that other transform drivers inherit from
 CKudan.AR.MarkerlessTransformDriverThe Markerless Transform Driver, which is moved by the tracker when using the Markerless Tracking Method
 CKudan.AR.MarkerTransformDriverThe Marker Transform Driver, which is moved by the tracker when using the Marker Tracking Method
 CMarkererlessEvents(WIP) Class to detect when ArbiTracking starts, stops and if it is running each frame
 CTouchControlClass that takes touch input and uses it to rotate and scale objects and activate a script
 CKudan.AR.TrackableDataTrackable Data is a set that contains marker data
 CKudan.AR.TrackableA Trackable is something that the tracker can detect
 CKudan.AR.MarkerFoundEventThe Marker Found Event, which is triggered when the tracker starts tracking a target
 CKudan.AR.MarkerLostEventThe Marker Lost Event, which is triggered when the tracker stops tracking a target
 CKudan.AR.MarkerUpdateEventThe Marker Update Event, which is triggered each frame the target is active